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The little birds

    It was a few weeks ago. A Sunday afternoon. I was sitting laid back, watching TV. Netflix and chill as they would say. Suddenly there's a lot of bird noise outside. There is an empty field outside my room where a lot of birds have found their home in trees.  Its rare for birds to make noises in the afternoon. So i was curious. But i was so immersed in watching 'Dark' - a scifi show. Suddenly something passed through the room, right through the ventilator. Something white just went to the hall. I was curious. I went to the hall and looked. It was a little white Owl. Some crows where chasing it. Poor thing was so scared. It went to the other room and stayed there. I didn't want to scare it off. So i left it alone. 

    There is a pack of crows making sound outside. A bunch of little birds are making chirping sounds. This is not the usual greetings. It was different, i could sense there was something wrong in their voices. As a Harry Potter fan, i liked owls a lot. Also owls are different than other birds. So they get bullied a lot. Some cultures, mostly European consider owls to bring bad luck. So they kill them. Asians think owls bring good luck. So they capture owls. There is a lot of endangered owl species'.

    What is happening!! i had no idea. So i kept observing them doing a google search. Apparently owls are deadly predators. They are very stealthy. They don't make much noise while flying and has excellent night vision. So due to this almost all birds are scared of owls and would try to team up and scare off or kill the owls. This is called mobbing. Even though big birds have the strength little birds can do more maneuvering. Owls can't see properly during daytime and this little owl was spotted by some crows which were trying to bully it. All the other little birds in the neighbourhood have come out eagerly to scare of what they see as a threat to their young ones. 

  Little birds are sitting on top of higher tree branches to observe stuff around. This little guy on guard duty is looking up everywhere.

    Crows are crying out loud and making all kind of noises. The little owl is sitting on the room scared what might happen to him. On the middle of all this, there is this cute couple sitting next each other like we are too cute be in danger !!

    Anyway after around 45 minutes i became curious and went to the other room to check on the little owl. It was scared and ran away to terrace of our neighbour's house. Crows were assaulting it. It was sad to see the cute white little thing getting scared to death. my brother threw some stones and the crows ran away. The owl also got scared and ran away.

    The idea of mobbing was very interesting to me. The idea of little ones teaming up to fight a big opponent. Unity is strength. But as with all mobs there are some bullies. When it comes to birds, it is the crows i think. They are very intelligent. They can work very well in groups and can kill even eagles or owls. Especially the little owls. They can easily take food from the little birds or kill them.

    Watch out little birds!! Life is short and you have lot of threats to face and mobbing is good. But not everyone in the mob is your friend.



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